Middle Man Passing

Drill Purpose (All Ages)

This passing drill is meant to overload the middle player and will help players improve passing speed, accuracy, strength, and confidence. If done properly, the middle player really gets a workout! You can also add a twist to this drill and work on pivoting at the same time.


Middle man passing1 (2K)
  1. Position three players as shown in the diagram.

  2. Players 1 and 2 will need basketballs.

Middle man passing2 (2K)
  1. Player 1 passes to 3.

  2. Player 3 immediately returns the pass.

Middle man passing3 (2K)
  1. Player 3 turns to 2.

  2. Player 2 passes to 3.

  3. Player 3 immediately returns the pass.

Middle man passing4 (3K)
  1. Player 3 turns to 1.

  2. Player 1 passes to 3.

  3. Player 3 immediately returns the pass.

  4. Continue for 30 seconds.

Points of Emphasis

Continually tell your players...

  • Make accurate passes.
  • Move as quickly as possible without sacrificing form and accuracy.
  • When passing, step toward your receiver.
  • When catching, extend your hands step toward the pass.
  • Like shooting the ball should have a backspin to it. This is accomplished by following through on every pass.

To make this a multi-use drill, use a specific pivot to turn (drop step, front pivot, etc).

Do you have any questions or suggestions for this drill? Let us know by leaving your comments...


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ashish says:
6/17/2013 at 3:12:36 AM

well i think if we do this drill full court then it works better.


Katherine Johnson says:
10/17/2012 at 6:54:56 AM

Another modification could be that you remove an outside player periodically to emphasize that the passer in the middle needs to find their recipient first before passing. Make eye contact then make the pass. This is important in younger programs because that kids like to pass because the think the person is there but don't actually see them.


Monica McCraw says:
1/26/2009 at 8:42:19 AM

I am in the 6th grade and our teacher is making us teach any basketball drill to our PE class. I was so scared that I wouldn''t be able to find a good and easy drill. I looked on Google and I am so happy that I found this site because without it I would have failed a major grade.


12/3/2008 at 4:59:49 PM




Jensen says:
11/19/2008 at 1:10:03 PM

I have done this drill in a circle. Call for the pass, receive the pass, pivot (forward/back/left/right), make eye contact, pass, pivot back to be ready to receive pass.
Put in a coach as defense to show why they are pivoting and not twisting, defend the ball and pivot away from defense.
Add more balls to make it faster, but make sure the passes are good and the receiver is ready.


ashley says:
12/1/2007 at 6:38:17 PM

my 14 year old daughter went to a clinic today and she learned a lot of cool new drills.


Rich says:
11/30/2007 at 12:04:46 PM

Can you tell what is a door step move


Lynne White says:
11/12/2007 at 8:03:21 PM

I have been looking for passing drills for under 14s. A simple way to increase speed and awareness.


alex says:
8/16/2007 at 2:20:50 AM

great and fun drill.it will definitely increase awareness.


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