6 Ways to Maximize Your Influence, Improve
Your Program, and Give Back to Others

Here are 6 suggestions that will help you improve your program, maximize your influence, and make a positive impact on your players' lives...

1) Document Your Core Values

This might sound cheesy but be sure to document your core values and use them to guide you every day of your coaching career...

Sounds simple but every coach that tries it says, "I was a bit skeptical at first, but documenting our core values has been one of the most profound things we have done for our program".
What Are Your 7 Core Coaching Values?

2) Genuine Interest

Take a genuine interest in your players. Show them that you care through your actions.

If they know you love them, they will run through walls for you.
Ultimate Guide to Player Motivation

3) Lead by Example

Set a great example of character and value. To have a truly big influence you must not only be involved in their lives but you must also earn their respect. Practice what you preach.
The Most Important Aspect of Coaching & Leadership

4) Carefully Decide what to Emphasize

Emphasize what you think is most important. If teamwork is most important, be sure to emphasize that in everything you do.
To Win More Games, You Need to be Great at 3 Things

5) Sharpen the Saw

Never stop learning. Read books about leadership, core values, program development, and so on. As explained in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (a book you should read if you haven't already)... you should continually "sharpen the saw". This is enhancing the greatest asset you have -- you.

Suppose you came upon someone in the woods working to saw down a tree. They are exhausted from working for hours. You suggest they take a break to sharpen the saw. They might reply, "I didn't have time to sharpen the saw, I'm busy sawing!" Don't be that guy in the woods!

6) Be Yourself

If you try to be someone else, kids will see right through it. You can't fake your way through things -- it won't work. It's fine to borrow ideas from other coaches and you should always continue learning, but you must be yourself. Mold your philosophy and coaching style around your personality and beliefs.

I hope this list helps you in some way. Please comment below if you like the article or have any thoughts or comments.


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keith says:
1/22/2014 at 11:10:17 AM

To encourage players to play hard, I use the shirt system. I rotate 2 shirts . After each practice I ask for nominations for players who WORKED REAL HARD in practice, not highest scorers, but hardest workers. Then the team votes on the nominations. Winner gets the yellow shirt to wear under their practice jersey the next day. The next day we do the same , after a player wears the shirt they return it cleaned the next day.


Ish says:
1/16/2014 at 11:35:54 PM

Great stuff, I appreciated. If I can add, mental power, must and should be introduced to the young athletes especially at the beginning of the season and come back to it when they need it. Thanks for sharing.


Bryan says:
1/16/2014 at 10:56:25 AM

Absolutely great points and very confirming to me. I especially agree with adopting style and philosophies of your own and being who you are. I was a youth pastor for years and I learned that kids can smell a fake or a poser very quick, especially if its an adult attempting to lead them. I have learned that if they know you love them then there is not much they won't do to better themselves and build your character and trust at the same time. When the two begin to feed back to one another, it is good as it gets.


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