One of my most frequently used drills (with 6th grade boys and 8th grade girls) this year has been Half Court 3 v 2 + 1. I rarely used this drill in the past, but this year, I started using the drill more often — and I really like it!! It’s a “multi purpose” drill that […]
15 Basketball Tryout Drills for Efficiently Evaluating Players
When conducting tryouts, you want drills that allow you to efficiently evaluate players. The key word here is “efficiently”. You only have so much time in tryouts to evaluate players. So you want to make good use of your time! Tryout drills should be fairly simple yet similar to what you normally do in practice. If […]
Posted a New Article / Drill Progression on Breakthrough
Here’s a new article I wrote up and posted on Breakthrough… 11 Drill Progressions to Improve Your Ballhandling and 1v1 Dribbling Moves I think it’s pretty good, but since I wrote it I guess I’m a bit biased.
Practice Plan and Drills – Summer Team Camp Day 4
Here’s the plan for day 4 of the youth summer skills camp for our 5th grade team. Practice Plan – Team Camp Day 4 Pre-practice routine – Acknowledge & talk with each player Defense Star close outs 5on5 shell – no movement. dribble every time. Dribbling and Defense Dribble tag – everyone is it. 1 pt […]
Practice Plan and Drills – Summer Team Camp Day 2 and 3
The format for day 2 and 3 were very similar to day 1. So I’ll just post a few adjustments that we made. Here’s what we changed on day 2 and 3… We ran shell drill from a 4 out 1 in formation instead of 5 out. This allows us to teach “post positioning” and […]
Practice Plan and Drills – Summer Team Camp Day 1
A few weeks ago, a number of coaches replied and wanted more details about our youth summer camp that was extremely productive for us. Here’s the practice plan and drills that I used for the first day of the team camp. I deviated and improvised at times — but for the most part we stuck […]
Summer Basketball Camp Drills – Part 1 (Pre-Practice Routine)
Since several coaches contacted me wanting more info about our summer team camp, I’m writing a few blog posts explaining the drills and details about the camp… The first thing we did at the camp was teach our players a new “pre-practice routine”. We implemented a pre-practice routine last year and I loved it! I […]
Fill and Backdoor Cut Drill – Improve Team Offense & Skills at the Same Time
With most of our drills, we take a “piece” of our motion offense and turn it into a skill development combo drill. This allows you to work more efficiently because you’re practicing your team offense and improving skills at the same time. Here’s a drill that incorporates the “filling to the ball” aspect of our offense […]
Posted a New Drill – Partner Pass and Pivot
I just posted a new drill and video called Partner Pass and Pivot. This is one of my favorite drills to teach youth players footwork and passing. We use this drill in almost every practice with beginners between the ages of 6 and 10 years old. You can also use this drill as a “warm […]
Here’s an Excellent Video – Game Based Skill Drills
This is a follow up to the previous post and video… A Games Approach to Teaching Basketball Skills. As I have mentioned, I’m a huge fan of game based learning drills. They’re fun and better simulate what actually happens in a game… The traditional drills (ex: dribbling around cones) have their place in your practices. However […]