Before we get into the new content below, we wanted to let you know about something real quick.

Until Sunday, December 9th, you can get a 50% discount on Attack & Counter Basketball Skill Workouts – Developed by NBA Skills Coach Don Kelbick.


Drill With No Defense Are Pointless?

In regards to this recent drill we posted, a coach replied with this. “There’s no defense, so this really is a pointless drill. They need to learn to pass and pivot with defense as that’s what’s going to happen in game.”

So we replied and discussed...

● 3 Reasons to Use Drills Without Defenders.

● Critical Mistake Often Made by Coaches When Adding Defenders!

● Important Reason to Use Different Teaching Methods.

● The Best of Both Worlds!? The Sandwich Approach Using Drills with Defenders!

Read everything here:

Drills With No Defense Are Pointless?


5 Out Motion Offense: More Difficult To Get Rebounds?!

We also got this question recently...

Does the 5 out motion offense, what I’m slowly implementing with my 3rd grade girls team, make it difficult to get offensive rebounds?

Also, what are some good ways to teach 3rd graders to a) get open and b) be strong with the ball and create space/beat defenders that are aggressively playing defense on them. I’ve noticed in our scrimmage most of the girls “freeze up” with pressure or dribbles passively.

Jeff Haefner's Response:

No. The 5 out does not make it difficult to teach rebounds. We have always done with well offensive rebounding using 5 out.

Just like anything, if you emphasize and teach it, you can get lots of offensive rebounds.

Even though it's "5 out", you almost always have someone cutting through in the lane area to get rebounds.

This is also a helpful article to improve your rebounding:

Improve Rebounding by Adding ONE Simple Rule to Your Offense

For ball security, we use this drill (keep the ball above nose and below knees when defensive is close):

Stationary Pivots - Step Through and Rip for Ball Security

Then teach that concept in no dribble passing games (keep away), scrimmages, etc.

To handle pressure with the dribble, we played a lot of 1v1 full court. It also helps with defense and agility at the same time.


- Joe Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball


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