Chris Oliver's 0-Seconds & Basketball Decision Training (BDT)

Bonus Drills, Coaching Tips, & Training Tips


Our FREE 27-page eBook includes:

  • Introduction to Basketball Decision Training
  • 2-Player BDT Drills
  • 1-on-1 BDT Drills
  • 3-on-3 BDT Drills
  • Coaching Philosophy

NBA Coaches Said This About Chris Oliver's Training System

"Nobody is teaching it (skill development and decision making) like that. That’s wonderful!"

- Del Harris, Former NBA Coach of the Year

"I have already incorporated so many of the BDT teachings into my skill development work. Talk about ‘athlete satisfaction’, each one of the players I implemented the BDT concepts with loved the drills. They are engaged and focused throughout the work. They also feel a sense of accomplishment through a very limited number of shots so the work can be very efficient."

- Charles Klask, NBA Assistant Coach

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