Hey, before we get into our new articles below, we wanted to give you a quick heads up on a special.

You can save 50% on our Breakthrough Stats Tracking App because we’re having a sale. This expires on Sunday, November 5th.

Next, here is an article geared towards youth and middle school coaches.

Since your goals are different than a high school or college coach, you need to focus on different things. Your goal should be to develop character and basketball skills that will give them the best chance to succeed in the future.

So we showed three adjustments for you to make in tracking stats.

3 Stat Adjustments For Youth Coaches

This next article is for high school, college, and professional coaches.

If you’re not careful, statistics and analytics can trick you into making decisions that could cost you to lose more games.

How eFG Percentage Can Trick You

- Joe Haefner & Jeff Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball Coaching

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