Here is a message from Jeff on tryout drills...

When conducting tryouts, you want drills that allow you to efficiently evaluate players.

The key word here is “efficiently”. You only have so much time in tryouts to evaluate players. So you want to make good use of your time!

Tryout drills should be fairly simple yet similar to what you normally do in practice. If drills are too complicated, you’ll waste hours of time teaching new players “how to run” the drills. So simplicity is critical when choosing.

Drills should also accommodate varying degrees of ability and experience – since you’ll most likely get a wide variety of players at tryouts. Some players might be inexperienced yet have a lot of potential. You don’t want to exclude those players.

Here are the tryout 15 drills that I like to use. They are simple and effective in regards to evaluating players for your team.

Continue reading the rest of the drills here.


- Joe and Jeff Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball


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