In the YouTube world where there are 5,789 different basketball moves, it can be quite overwhelming. Which moves do you choose? How many do you choose?

Well, with our Next Level Finishing Moves video with Jim Huber, you could run into the same problem. There are over 20 finishing moves. So which ones do you teach?!?

That’s why we created the article to help you:

How to Choose “Your” Finishing Moves? How Many Should You Work On?

Fall Basketball Camps Schedule Released!

If you haven’t checked it out, we posted our fall basketball camp schedule.

We have camps located across the United States. These camps take place in September and October.

This is a great way to get better before the season starts!

Fall Basketball Camps - Youth to High School

Scotland Loves Breakthrough Camps…“Players came from Scotland, Norway, Germany, and Malaysia!” ...“One girl asked if I would mind if she became a 'personal recruiter for the next Breakthrough camp' in her club and school! They are psyched and energised.”

As an organizer of the camps, I would like to send a massive personal THANK YOU as well on behalf of the Grampian Flyers and all the players and coaches who attended the camps to Breakthrough Basketball and Coach Charlie MIller for the superlative Shooting and Elite Guard Camps!

Players came from all over Scotland, Norway, Germany and Malaysia. It proves that folk will travel significant distances to Aberdeen. We had one 17 yr old boy come from the south of Scotland and rent a flat for the week so he could attend both camps! I had one girl ask if I would mind if she became a 'personal recruiter for the next Breakthrough camp' in her club and school! They are psyched and energised.

It was an amazing six days: intense, demanding, educating both players and assisting coaches on so many different levels. Charlie taught us not just basketball skills, but how to learn for ourselves and find 'the inner coach', to set goals, to open ourselves to failure and to take a risk so that we could not just get better but excel. He urged commitment 'to be the best version of ourselves that we could be', 'not to chase mistakes but to chase greatness', that 'our next shot is our best shot', that when we play, to always have 'purposeful touches', 'to live low' during the game, that 'work works', to put in maximum effort and hustle during every practice and game for maximum results, that elite players have an elite mindset and run from drill to drill, 'to say yes to ourselves before we can say yes to anybody else', 'poise and patience', 'gratitude', respect and appreciation.

These were camps unlike no other and through the intensity of his commitment and work, we truly learned what it means to not only play elite basketball but how to be an elite person. We may have left the camps mentally and physically exhausted, but we were also energised to go out and train in a way like we have never trained before, to put into practice all that we have learned.

The pervasive query at the end of each camp was, 'will Coach Charlie and Breakthrough be back next year?'! We very, very, very much hope so! It was an exceptional experience and a truly inspirational six days, enabling us to be not just better players or coaches but better persons and leaving us hungry for more!

- Ruth Grant - Grampian Flyers Basketball Club in Scotland

Breakthrough Basketball Camp Schedule

- Joe Haefner & Jeff Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball

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Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. | 5001 1st Ave. SE, Ste 105 #254 | Cedar Rapids | IA | 52402