Possibility to buy only the eBook but not the DVD
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Author:  dominic.hellwig [ 03 Feb 2015, 04:13 ]
Post subject:  Possibility to buy only the eBook but not the DVD


I was wondering whether it would be possible to only buy the eBook part of a packaged dvd+eBook product?

I am located in Germany and I do not want to pay for shipping and all the taxing.
Nevertheless I am still very interested in two of your products and would like to order them (at a reduced price), in an eBook only form.

Can we come to an agreement?


Dominic Hellwig

PS: Your "Contact Us" dialogue is not working anymore!

Author:  JeffHaefner [ 03 Feb 2015, 07:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility to buy only the eBook but not the DVD


I will send you an email shortly and we'll see what we can do. Thanks.

Author:  tyler.savoy32 [ 01 Sep 2016, 09:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility to buy only the eBook but not the DVD

I am also interested in buying two ebooks without the dvd.

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