Practice to Games
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Author:  Samantha [ 06 Jul 2010, 09:28 ]
Post subject:  Practice to Games

Hey, I am a girls basketball player and Ive worked really hard so far this off season and I seem to really be improving during practice, but once I get in the actual games, it seems like Im always one step behind and hesitate whereas during practice I excel. Do you have any tips on how to transfer over what Im doing in practice to the games? Is there mabey something Im doing wrong during practice? Any help would reallly be appreciated!

Author:  Coach Sar [ 06 Jul 2010, 10:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Practice to Games

Hey Samantha...

You say you are doing well in practice... your fundamentals are solid? When you scrimmage in practice.... how does that go? What year are you in school and how many years have you been playing?

The only thing that I can think of is that you are worried about making mistakes... everyone makes mistakes... even the BEST. So, relax, have fun and play like you know how. The reason you might be a step behind is that you are thinking about it before you do it... just to be sure your perfect?

One of the things we used to tell our players was to PLAY HARD, PLAY SMART and HAVE FUN.

Author:  Samantha [ 10 Jul 2010, 11:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Practice to Games

First of all, thank you so much for the advice! I think you are absolutley right about the trying to think through things to much. To answer your questions, my fundamentals, although I know they can always improve, are pretty sold, the scrimmages are going very well. which again confuses me because its like Im a different player during scrimmages and actual games, and I am entering my freshman year of highschool, and I have been playing for 6 years (two of which I have already played up for the highschool during my middle school offseason). Again, thankyou so much for the advice you have already given me, but I have one more question. Do you think that there is anything different I should be doing during practice, or do you think I need to just focus on changing the way I play the game?

Author:  Coach Sar [ 10 Jul 2010, 12:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Practice to Games

OK, I get the picture .... as a 7th and 8th grader you were playing high school ball? AND you sure didn't want to look bad playing with them. Relax, you wouldn't have been up there if the coach didn't think he saw something in you.

Keep working on your fundamentals.... RELAX ...... work extra hard on defense.... be that SHUT DOWN DEFENDER if you can. Then, play to your strengths while you work on your weaknesses in practice.

Try to work out against the best player on the team.... that will make you work harder and you WILL get better because of that. What position do you play?
By the way, don't worry about being perfect... IF you do that you will never get anything done on the court OR in life for that matter. If you don't make some mistakes that means you aren't trying to do much.

Anything else?

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