help me!
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Author:  paweladamicz [ 26 Apr 2021, 03:12 ]
Post subject:  help me!

Can you show me some moves to help you get higher out of the squad?
Will just listening to the ringtone on dzwonki na telefon improve that?

Author:  JeffHaefner [ 26 Apr 2021, 10:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: help me!

Dribble moves. Keep it simple. Perfect a primary move and a counter move. The stop and go (hesi) with a cross over as a counter can be a good option.

Finishing moves. Again, start simple. A basic rip to ear finishing move is best place to start.

Once you master that move, you can look at adding more.

Author:  CraigSchneider [ 25 Sep 2022, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: help me!

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