Training Schedule
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Author:  arrikgerber [ 15 Feb 2021, 08:50 ]
Post subject:  Training Schedule

Hello, my name is Arrik GerberI just graduated from high school, and didn't receive any offers to play basketball at the college level. I have contacted the coach at the college I am attending and will try out for the team next year. I was just confused with what my basketball training schedule should look like. Between the basketball workouts, conditioning, strength training, speed work, etc. I didn't know how to put that all into a weekly schedule. What would you suggest that I do?

Current Schedule:
Monday-Basketball, Full body workout
Tuesday-Basketball, Core and Cardio
Wednesday-Basketball, Full body workout
Thursday-Basketball, Core and Cardio
Friday-Basketball, Full body workout
Saturday-Rest or long run or extra shooting workout

*I try to incorporate speed work and plyometric work into my basketball workouts to improve my agility and speed without having to do separate workouts.

Author:  JeffHaefner [ 15 Feb 2021, 17:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Training Schedule

That looks like a good schedule. You have at least one rest day each week and your strength workouts are spread out each week. You might consider removing the cardio portion and include that into your "skill work". Or maybe what you're currently doing is enough and cardio is not needed? Plyos, agility, and intense skill drills can also work your cardio.

I think you have a good plan... listen to your body and tweak the schedule as needed.

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