assist hand & good youtube video?
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Author:  Michael W [ 13 Aug 2013, 20:33 ]
Post subject:  assist hand & good youtube video?

My 11-year-old boy has been focusing on shooting off the dribble for a while. But the results are not that encouraging. He keeps missing. I know I need to be patient but wonder if he is doing it correctly.

I have a couple of questions
1) assist hand. I took some pictures and videos. It seems that he puts his assist hand too high. almost on toip of the ball when shooing. here is a picture I uploaded to youtube
can you guys take a look to see if it's indeed incorrect (the assist hand too high)?

2) it seems Dr. Hal Wissel has some great video. do you guys think this is a good video ( to practice with shooting off the dribble? are the methods stated there correct?

thanks a lot

Author:  Coach Rob [ 15 Aug 2013, 13:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: assist hand & good youtube video?

Based on your picture, the assist hand is definitely too high on top of the ball.

Good video for you:

The second video you posted looks good, however, I'd tend to focus on getting the shot form down w/o a dribble first.

Author:  Michael W [ 15 Aug 2013, 15:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: assist hand & good youtube video?

Thank you Coach Rob for confirming the picture and providing link to the video. I love shot science videos. Actually I learned the term assist hand from that video. so I used assist hand not guide hand when posting the topic.
Any chance you know Chase and Tom from shot science?

By the way, anyone knows if breakthroughbasketball or anyone else runs shooting camps in Dallas area (especially in summer school breaks)? I saw Hal Wissel runs youth camps but not near Dallas.

Author:  Coach Rob [ 15 Aug 2013, 17:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: assist hand & good youtube video?

I don't know Tom or Chase, seems like a great set of videos though. I've referenced several of their videos to aide in my coaching career.

Regarding basketball camps in the Dallas area, I found one on the web, but have no idea what kind of reputation they have.

I live in a large city like Dallas and we have a few leagues that offer camps in the summer and around winter breaks. Maybe try finding leagues that host AAU tournaments and see if they have websites,usually they'll list the available camps throughout the year. The best option would be talking with parents or coaches on AAU teams who've experienced local camps.

Author:  JoeHaefner [ 16 Aug 2013, 07:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: assist hand & good youtube video?

I know this isn't a shooting camp, but we are looking to host a youth ball handling camp in Dallas. We almost have it finalized. It should be 10/19 and 10/20.

We should have the camp page up on the website by next week.

Author:  JeffHaefner [ 16 Aug 2013, 07:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: assist hand & good youtube video?

We also plan to have an all around skills camp for middle school and high school players in Dallas area for spring or summer of 2014. Go to this page and get on the "camp notification" list for Texas. You'll get notified about the camps when they get scheduled:

Author:  Michael W [ 18 Aug 2013, 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: assist hand & good youtube video?

thanks. I just signed up for notification and hoping to join a session in Dallas

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