What happened to Jeff's blog?
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Author:  nicnameks [ 20 Nov 2021, 08:34 ]
Post subject:  What happened to Jeff's blog?

Longtime lurker and site reader here. First time poster.

Jeff's Coaching blog has been one of my favorite resources for inspiration as a youth coach the past couple of years. In the last day or two it seems have been taken off the internet. That's a shame as it is a really great read from top to bottom. Wondering if this was a tech glitch or intentional. I hope to see it back up soon.

Cheers anyway,


Edit: looks like it was just a problem w/ my firefox browser.

Author:  JeffHaefner [ 22 Nov 2021, 07:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: What happened to Jeff's blog?

Ok... glad it's working for you again!

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