Defending Baseline Inbounds Plays
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Author:  payne.kj [ 12 Dec 2017, 13:04 ]
Post subject:  Defending Baseline Inbounds Plays

My 4th grade boys team gets burned 3-4 times a game on baseline inbounds plays by other teams. Our league is man to man only. We chase guys going away from the basket or we stand on the wrong side of guys.

Most opponents either do some box play, stack play or 4 guys running away from the ball and then coming back. We've worked on staying between the ball and our man, but in the moment we get so confused.

What is the best way to teach this? Where should I position someone to defend the basket? Do I keep someone on the ball?

Author:  Coach Rob [ 13 Dec 2017, 18:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Defending Baseline Inbounds Plays

One huge teaching point is your player guarding the inbounder. This player must make it extremely difficult for the inbounder. No easy passing lanes (e.g., cheat over a bit to block an easy pass directly under the basket) and their hands are up, one is on the eyes and the other one follows the ball. Show them in practice what this looks like, let them experience what it's like to be defended from an older brother or sister in practice. Track this in a few games and give out a small reward for X amount of bad passes forced or 5-second violations.

Even though your rules only allow for M2M, that doesn't translate into your players "chasing" their man. Defending the easy basket in the paint is the priority, so in essence, you might be allowing a little bit of a zone type defense for inbound plays. I doubt seriously you'd be called for playing a zone if your players weren't right on their man.

You will have to decide what to do with screens. Personally, I would call out switch and let your players switch.

With limited practice time, coaches often overlook spending time on defending inbounds plays. You'll have to carve out some time and try to simulate what you're seeing the other teams do. then pick a few teaching points and go from there (e.g., where to line up on stacks or box inbound plays).

Jeff might have more suggestions.

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