Here is a list of six great plays taken from the high school, college, professional, and NBA ranks. These plays will make any team hard to guard. And if you have skilled players, these sets can make you almost impossible to guard.

When you sit and study the principles of these plays, how everything flows, and the pressure it puts on the defense… it’s actually quite brilliant!

I wish I could say I came up with these plays myself.

Here are 6 reasons why these 6 plays work so well…

1 - When taught properly, the initial offensive pattern common among all six play variations is extremely difficult to guard by itself!

2 - The offensive pattern is disguised with another offensive set, so you can catch the defense off guard for a couple of easy baskets.

3 - The plays that follow the initial offensive pattern are highly effective plays.

4 - You can’t cheat on the plays, because the initial offensive pattern will expose that. In fact, it’s most likely the initial pattern will scramble the defense and make these plays even more effective!

5 - The pattern and plays are easy to learn for your players. (Probably only recommend for players 14 years old and up.)

6 - Since all of the plays originate from the same offensive pattern, it’s almost impossible to figure out which one is coming next.

Check out the plays and take another step towards having high-scoring offense...

6 Lethal Plays for All Offenses (For Pro Teams Too)


All the best!

- Joe and Jeff Haefner
Breakthrough Basketball


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