Cut&Double vs Run&Jump
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Author:  masontrevorhfc [ 14 Mar 2021, 12:43 ]
Post subject:  Cut&Double vs Run&Jump

Once the ball is inbounded at what point does the guy guarding the inboud say ok I cant cut him off how does the 3 man read to hit the speed dribbler? What does the guy guarding the inbounder do once he sees he cannot come double?

Author:  JeffHaefner [ 14 Mar 2021, 18:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cut&Double vs Run&Jump

As long as players follow the "base pressing rules", the when and where doesn't matter too much. By practicing the drills and playing games, players start figuring out their timing. The press rules give players some freedom... that's part of the great thing about the rules. The press can look different on every possession, making it very difficult to play against.

I suggest running the build up drills show on the videos and then your team can figure it out together. My teams might have faster players at certain positions, so the timing for my players might be different than yours. And it also depends on the opponent. Some teams are really fast and skilled... so your players need to follow the rules and adjust.

If he can't double, he follows the press rules... which sometimes that means falling back into man to man.

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