Suggestions: a way to capture rotations and more efficiency
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Author:  brad84 [ 05 Dec 2021, 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Suggestions: a way to capture rotations and more efficiency


I just purchased the app and used it on the weekend - it seems to be a great app.

Two things I think would help lift the user experience are:

1) A way to capture rotations and time on court - e.g. who is on the floor together at the same time - also capture minutes on court/bench.
My preference here would be a timer that you could pause (similar to the subtime app) - on that app, I like to have the timer count up as I don't want to have to manage stop/start of the clock...I pause it only during time outs. I don't care too much if it runs while the clock is stopped for a couple of seconds between whistles in the last 3 minutes - unless it's a long time. This would help capture minutes played/on bench, and also allow the user to track fair playing time on the court for each of the players. I like the way the Subtime app allows you to plan substitutions too; and the way it shows the time for each player on court/bench - in real time. Something similar could be implemented here.

2) Increase ease of capturing statistics by showing players on the court separate from those on the bench - it makes it easier to locate the player who's stat you are trying to track.


Author:  dennis [ 06 Dec 2021, 13:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions: a way to capture rotations and more efficiency

Thanks for your feedback. We’ll add your suggestions to our request list.

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