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PostPosted: 30 Aug 2017, 01:37 

Posts: 13
Hei, Our practice season started, we have 8 girls on our team, and around 6-7 every practice, always there is someone missing, we work most of the time on skills, and soon we will start work on offense/defense, im still not sure if to try the flex or the motion (my stumeck say flex) any way what ever i chose i will not be able to run 5x5 when its come to offense, so i will brake the flex to pcs and teach part by part, i dont think its smart to run all season 5*0 and meet defense only in games
any ideas?

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2017, 05:16 
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You're right. If the first time you run flex 5v5 against live defense is in your first game, it will be a mess. The first game or two will definitely be rough... especially with a continuity offense like flex.

Maybe you can arrange for a couple scrimmages before your first game? Invite another team to scrimmage you during your practice time.

Beyond that, I think your plan sounds good. Break your offense into pieces / small sided games of 2v2, 3v3, etc.

Jeff Haefner

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2017, 05:26 

Posts: 13
Thanks! You think it will be easier to go with motion and try to play 3*3 / 4*4 ?

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2017, 09:02 
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Posts: 1280
Yes and no. For me it's easier. For you it might be different. Just depends on what you as a coach are comfortable with and what you believe in.

I do think that no matter what both offenses will be ugly the first couple times you play. The thing with motion, you can't really tell... just want players moving... they can't really mess things up as long as they move and have space. And even when you get really good at motion,, it can be ugly... it's unpredictable and that is both good and bad. If it's ugly for a few cuts... just keeping going... space better and things will eventually smooth out.

Jeff Haefner

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