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PostPosted: 27 Jan 2021, 04:31 

Posts: 1
I’m an assistant coach working with a newly hired coach. This new coach is very young with little experience and making countless mistakes which has cost the team games. Her practices are not geared to the development of the players. I’ve tried numerous times to advice her on certain things with no success while trying not to over step my boundary. This has led me to want to step down after this year and part ways with the school that I so love. I will truly miss the players that I have come to love. Any advice would gladly be appreciated.

PostPosted: 04 May 2021, 09:32 
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Sorry for the very late reply. Our system stopped sending us notifications a while ago so we missed a bunch of questions.

How did things turn out? Do you still need some advice?

That is a tough situation. Ideally, you can ask questions and inspire the coach so that they in time think all these ideas are their own. That is the trick. In some cases, I have found I'm able to get to the same result by asking questions...

What worked this year?
What didn't work?
Why didn't it work?
What's the biggest thing holding us back?
What are our goals?
What can we do to reach our goals?
Ok, how will that impact X?

Guide her through the thought process without actually telling her what to do. If you have a really strong understanding of the game, this can usually be done.

How will we win games? What stats are the most important? When it comes to it... there are only two stats that help you win games...
Shooting %
Shot attempts

Everything else and all other stats feeds into those two things. You need a strategy to shoot a higher % than your opponent and/or take more shots than your opponent. It's that simple. When you start thinking about the game in real simple terms, light bulbs start going off. If she goes through that thought process, maybe you can both get in the same page.

Jeff Haefner

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